Jaw pain and clenching are common complaints among adults, often signaling a deeper problem—Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD). The temporomandibular joints (TMJs), located on either side of your jaw, are responsible for allowing smooth jaw movement when you talk, chew, or yawn. However, when these joints or the surrounding muscles experience dysfunction, it can result in pain, stiffness, or a clicking sound […]
Thumb sucking is a natural habit among infants and young children, providing them comfort and a sense of security. However, when this habit persists beyond the toddler years, it can cause significant dental and facial development issues. That’s where interceptive orthodontics steps in to play a critical role in addressing and managing the effects of prolonged thumb sucking. Interceptive orthodontics, […]
Orthodontic care has come a long way over the years, with modern techniques offering more options than ever for patients of all ages. One such method is interceptive orthodontics, a proactive approach designed to address developing orthodontic issues in children before they become more severe. However, despite its benefits, interceptive orthodontics is often surrounded by misconceptions that can prevent parents […]
When most people think of orthodontics, they think about straightening teeth and getting a better smile. But orthodontic treatments, like maxillary expansion, do more than that. They can make your teeth healthier and help you breathe better. For example, some treatments make it easier to breathe at night by widening your upper jaw. This can reduce snoring and help if […]